Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What Brand Of Skates Does Ovechkin Wear

Larger Image

you can at the time photos only widen if they have no subtitles ~ ~ In the hope that. that soon changed once I post the pictures a bit bigger but the subtitles not be changed. Eventually you will surely can again click on the photos: - /

Mount And Blade Hacks

Serial Terminal

After I was able to discard completely the Compaq Contura a few days (probably bug in the LCD controller) must now PACOMP (never heard of ^ ^.) 486 DX66 as a serial terminal . Serve
The disk I replaced by an 8 MB Compact Flash card, that's enough for the terminal emulator and now is the part not to hear more :-) Perfect for the bed so:-P

currently FreeDOS run as "System" and Bananacom a terminal emulator. Bananacom emulated but actually an ANSI terminal, but the server VT102 is set to work cancellation and sign-paste. Bananacom does not seem to bother anyway. Here are some "screenshots" ;-)

The login screen :-)
After successful login (via macros of a button ;-).
as GNU screen terminal multiplexer is used. This has the advantage that the session will remain even if you close or it crashes for some reason (?) Or something ;-)
You can also combine virtually any number of screens in a single session, in my case 10, and conveniently switch between them. If you're really just off the laptop as it would turn off a screen on the server.

An ANSI terminal for DOS can of course, only text display. So, all programs run on the console. The file manager is no problem, but for ICQ and Twitter is already exciting ;-)

The Browser: elinks =) looks a bit different than usual ;-) But it works fine.

The mail system: Fetchmail to retrieve, nsmtp to send and the client, in which the setting is scarier than the emails that you get it: Mutt ^ ^

Ttytter as a Twitter client.. Getting used to, but effective.

The music player: MPD in combination with ncmpc. The whole thing can be also controlled remotely fine with the old receiver's remote control ^. ^ Output via headphones in bed or alternatively on the system :-)
The holy remote. The numbers select a playlist and the remaining buttons control volume, forward, back, etc.

The root screen. Pacman as a package manager of Arch Linux, here in the installation of Ruby.

Unfortunately, there seems to be an issue if Linux is to transfer the DOS-ANSI to UTF8 umlauts. Therefore, it does not for some programs and in others. But except in so far that does not bother chatting not ;-)

ICQ / MSN on the finch, based on Pidgin. .

Shuffle Board Table Cover Plans

carbide copper scrap =)

A few days ago I was still terribly excited about it too, in Zeuthen leaves from the sidewalk must sweep on the road ~ ~ But the whole thing had an unexpected benefit: There was a box with the remains of the old plumbing to the day was saved :-) :-) So get some matching parts sought out
Very ^ promising. ^
is from these parts are created in the next few days, a carbide lamp :-) The reaction vessel I will abuse a jam jar, let's see whether it can withstand the reaction ;-) More to explode as it can not do it:-D This part I will use:

The biggest problem will probably be the dosage of the water droplets, since the valve is now time not for dropwise dosing designed by water ^. ^ But somehow I get the thing to have, exactly 2 drops per second . + + By allowing
If someone wants to imitate: Schematic follows hopefully soon :-)

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Sample Of Vote Of Thanks At A Wedding


clear that I in action dawanda -creating love participate,
mere fact of working on a project with many other common but is a very nice idea.

'm curious to see what comes of it;)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Emulateur Mac Pokémon Soul Silver Rom

flat ...

... and I'm pretty speechless since the postman was at my door.
since a parcel arrived which I thought at first that it is certainly not mine ... but there was quite clearly my name on it ... scratch head ...
joyful heart beat when I opened the parcel ...

the loving packaging would be reason enough for celebration, what may well be in it? ... and, above all, by whom?
so I've read all the rest just in the postcard super sweet ... written by andrea ( Andrella loves hearts ) ... aha! ;)

and that was in the sweet parcel of it all:

Dear Andrea, I am quite speechless (which is saying something) and I've got mad! each of my stash is ... a little sweetheart and is already thinking about sewing:)

seems to me today ... the sun even when it rains ...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

How To Make Cake With Softasilk


definitely come some of you familiar hexagon-blossoms, and it is because quite rightly so. I really wanted for me ... almost a year! ... quilt from the flowers a huge sewing and figuratively ... I'm right at the beginning of the lust lost it ... tz. make

now I find good on snow-white linen, the hexagons also good; want)

all those who try to sew the traditional hexagon, the instructions refer to my blog labels instructions below * *.

you all have a nice evening

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bangkok Full Body Wax


the planned children's pillow is done and once again I wish we would have something small at home ...

well, as I walk at least not dangerous to try to keep the pillow, it's me that is in almost all things I zusammenwerkele Sun

so traverse the pillow in my shops, but I did it all also sewn.

and now I flitze fix in the garden to grab a few rays of sunlight.

you all a nice evening

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sayings On Cakes For Baby Baptism


after this post

(source: creative at home / spring / summer 2010)

have lost for me lace her outdated image.
have my joy was all the greater when I discovered this yield on the flea market

many of the doily, the vendors themselves crochet and I have great respect for that work.

what this has to do now with hexagons? na I find lace and hexagons fit together properly good, so space has blessed woman crocheted, sewn, embroidered and all together on one banned pillow ...
stale or not?

did I mention that I love hexagons?

the pillow I sewed for my dawanda-shops, but with me it would also fit in very great ... sigh ... brooding ... let's see, maybe I'll give me the pillow itself;)

is in doing moment a lot, since daughter is so drawn out now, I plan my new nähzimmerchen, quite exciting in my opinion:)

is yet again today sewn, once again a child pillow, and when The weather is so beautiful, then there is the latest pictures of it tomorrow.

you all week start of a great heart!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Magnum Condom Compared To Regular

love the apple pillow ...

... has found its new home ...
and where?
na da!

with nicki!

congratulations from me!

if you tell me now address your mail, your pillow is the same tomorrow on the trip: thank you)

to all who participated and do not be disappointed, a draw will certainly give it again!