Thursday, September 2, 2010

What Is In Saladworks Green Goddess Dressing?

Compaq Contura - without light

After 2 weeks of anxious waiting ("Jaa has already been sent ... och neee, but not ... .... äääh moment, anyway, went out yesterday ... I think in any case is ....") finally reached my newest protege: a Compaq Contura 3 / 20, as the serial Terminal would be hung on my server.
3 / 20 stands for 386 SX 20 MHz. That should be sufficient for a terminal.
The seller was very nice, but had (as always recently on eBay) or by sending even more of what it actually sold any clue (range:... Notebook No idea Happy bidding).
2 x 50m Painters Tape this package to save from decay. If the content does not even look exactly ...

came to the fore the first place, this stylish laptop bag :-)
* stuffing *

madness what all fits in.. Therefore, the package had such a äääh .. .. distinctive shape ;-)
Tätärätä. feed

are already After all this times two 720K floppy disks, which I think NEC Multispeed can

:-) Now the big moment: Turn on - and as you see, you see nothing :-(
volume seller, he would have actually Work ...

Therefore, we see that nothing is heard but so much more - namely, a defective hard drive. In the photo it is not evident, but the screen shows some of various error messages, just without a backlight. So
screwdriver and snapped on the merry troubleshooting.
5 screws later: The whole thing without a cover. We ignore the warnings because of any electric shock and contact us immediately to the nearest cover.
cover and keyboard away. Top right the faulty drive in their carriage. Left the (empty) and the CMOS battery (also empty) socket for the coprocessor.
At that time a real piece of cake: a 48MB hard drive from Conner (Seagate later). In their time these disks were famous for their fast access times - I do not want to know so exactly what has once tasted.
And away with the hard drive. Only makes noise and is totally overrated.

Now for the screen. A single screw and otherwise only Platiknasen ... well, just Compaq ...
least quality under the cover: A Sharp Super Twist LCD with side lighting. Including the inverter, which generates the high voltage for backlight.

And here's the culprit: The cold cathode lamp for background lighting casts more shadows than light.
only a shadow of its own: - /

So you can still be so stupid and have never handled a laptop, but actually even had this seller may notice that the laptop will not start and you see NOTHING. But well, what the hell, somewhere had passed since a substitute for the lighting. Hard drives I would have still had, but that is hardly worthwhile to start a terminal emulator. So I'll stick with the floppy disk is just the start.
The solution and instructions to replace the cold cathode fluorescent lamp, on the next post.


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