Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dune Buggy The Game On Primary Games

2x Compaq Armada

A quick couple of pictures of today's Super ;-)

had the Hermes-lady drag in the pretty big package. The little one is by DHL and does nothing to the point.

chic upholstered :-) All the content is indeed as many as 16 € ^ ^ worth

These are obviously the "various small parts" of which the offer was mentioned. A complete top of the housing with a keyboard and mouse.

And this is not a ...

... but equal to 2 laptops :-)

Both are Compaq (* sigh *) Armade 3500, but different models. The Left has 366 MHz and the rights of 266, and a somewhat smaller screen.

you both work, but unfortunately I have only one power supply, and (typical Compaq) you can not make do, unfortunately, with a universal power supply, because they have used a special connector: - / I'm still to pick up the soldering iron or if I try to shoot even a power supply.

Since the two laptops were in their time as subnotebooks, they have both unfortunately neither a CD-ROM, or a floppy drive. Both should be able to connect externally, but I have never found the appropriate drives. I suspect the now extinct, and it will somehow have to go without.

I also got no hard drive, which is stupid in so far as the time Compaq has always been a "service partition" is created on the hard drive that you needed them to enter the BIOS. The computer work, but also without, but then you have to live with the default settings. Super thought along is indeed not that hard disks get broken sometimes or maybe you want to have larger one. And the BIOS is also overstated total. Well, Compaq just ^. ^

Linux these laptops to iron promises to be exciting real ;-)

After all they ever try to start, when hard disk begins with a finished installation ^. ^ But come with built-in 64 MB RAM, of course, they do not much ;-)

Since I could wait a long time ;-) But salvation is near, 256MB are already ordered =)


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