Sunday, October 17, 2010

Yamaha Nytro Turbo White

a new Jule & HP are ready

I finally got the "Jule" for my mouse sewn done:)
I give to - I just like the production of the ruffled hems, but if they once made and then sutured, it looks great ;)
now sometimes equal to a photo on the model, since it has almost taken from me the sweater under the sewing machine ...

sweater "Jule" from Summer Sweat and Jersey
(average: Farbenmix Embroidery: Tausenschön)
at the happy model
both hands fit into the fanny pack;)
Details twisted hood

Laura is happy and I can get down to next projects! One was as my new website - yes, I did it ... it is finished and uploaded so far:
(a click the image takes you to the HP)
The first page I'm still not 100% satisfied, but fits the rest;)


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